
Mindy Ngo is a vibrant, confident, and charming 7th grade CCD teacher at Mary Queen of Vietnam Church in New Orleans East. She will graduate in Biology in May of 2017. She has done very well on her MCAT and received entrance for premed at LSU School of Medicine in Shreveport. Mindy graduated from Ben Franklin High in 2013. Her college aspiration was interrupted by the diagnosis of ovarian cancer in 2014. Going through this grave sickness has given her peace and strength in life. She has grown deeper in the Catholic faith. She is a member of Phuong Hoang.  The group meets every 2 weeks for prayer and helps organize retreats for the youth at MQVN Church whenever needed.

Mindy volunteers to teach CCD this year because she has benefited from CCD class when she was younger. Also, she volunteers because there is always a shortage of teacher who would engage in this long-term commitment to “passing down the faith to younger generation”. “Yes, I try to recruit my classmates to teach but it is hard,” said Mindy. Being able to connect with students and guiding them in faith is her joy. She embraces her students like they are her own. Some text her questions about faith or life skills. Some come to meet her after Mass on Sunday and ask her questions about the reading for that Sunday. Some whom she had taught in 2nd grade come to her and share,  “Ms. Mindy, I remember that song you taught us”. She believes it is important to grasp the true meaning of the very basics of faith. Renewing and living the basics of faith like praying, be kind, and believe in God. She believes she is just guiding them when she teaches; inevitably it is God who will be at their side and imprint in them Faith in Him. She thought teaching qualifications are for older people, not her. But to her surprise, she is making a difference in the students she teaches. In essence, Mindy is building a faith foundation for younger generations.