Q - What is your name?
A - Dạ, Nhi.
Q - How long have you been in CCD program?
A - I started from “Mẫu Giáo” to 2nd grade in Vietnam. And I continued the 3rd grade and First Communion at Holy Vietnamese Martyrs Parish in the United States.
Q - What is the Holy Spirit?
A - Holy Spirit gives us graces that we need to live in our daily life?
Q - What is the most needed Gift of the Holy Spirit that you need or you wish to have? Why?
A - The gift that I wish to have is Wisdom because Wisdom will help me to know right from wrong.
Q - According to Father Thang’s homily, after you receive gifts of the Holy Spirit, you need to exercise and help these gifts to grow each day. How would you make these gifts grow?
A - I think I will come back and help to teach young children in the parish’s CCD program.